Introducing Eco Tea Co. This design concept was created for a small local business. The concept resonated with biodegradable and eco-friendly tea bags which benefit the environment. The client wanted a fresh appeal to its audience through vibrant colours, and a simple logo that represents it's brand and can be used across different marketing materials.

Eco Tea Co.

Creating a Winning Brand Identity Design for Business Owners

Creative Jr

This UX/UI app design was designed to help 11 - 14 year olds learn about the fundamentals of design through interactive workshops on the iPad. The colour scheme was chosen to represent a vibrant, dynamic attitude towards design, but also allow the learner to change the colour theme to suit how they are feeling. Customisation is at the center of this design. The learner can also create designs, create a portfolio and use this tool as tool to practice creating simple design techniques and understanding the concept of design.

The bottle design concept was inspired by chromosomes and genes from a visual perspective. The DNA name was created to signify the organic nutrients contained in each drink bottle, which impacts the way we live and how our healthy diet can impact our future children. The bottle design comes in 4 flavours, using only organic ingredients such as Kale, Spirulina, Acai Berry, Carrots to name a few.

DNA - Drink Bottle Design and Healthy Drink